As many of you know, I work in a school Art Department and I am based “In The Art Cupboard“. I am never exactly sure where my day will lead me as there are always unexpected things that pop up.
One such unexpected occurrence was a very sweet pooch who stayed with me this afternoon. We had our last Life Drawing session and our model had to bring her dog, so he came to stay with me.
We went for walks, we played, I got kisses and a paw shake, he laid at my feet while I did some work, he was adorable. I think the cupboard might need a little furry creature who is a permanent resident. The cupboard was even cheerier than normal and all the kids just loved him.
Meet Harvey the very good natured labradoodle:
the REAL girl says:
Harvey just made MY day, too!!!! Look at those eyes…………and that tongue!!!! LOL
March 13, 2013 — 6:51 am
Jennifer Michie says:
That tongue was licking his little chops at the biscuit Mr. Michie was holding for him as he came up to visit Harvey.
I often think that having a dog in the cupboard would be such a wonderful idea, you could use it in so many ways to benefit the kids.
I have a splendid spot just under my desk that would fit a furry animal and a comfy bed perfectly!
March 13, 2013 — 12:19 pm