Category: Work (page 1 of 7)

Back to School

School started in full force on Monday and I wasn’t quite ready. I spent most of Monday thinking it was Tuesday and a large part of yesterday thinking it was Wednesday. Who knows what that was all about? I think it’s just wishful thinking that I’m closer to Friday again!

{Image HERE}


Whoopee! In what has felt like one of the longest and busiest weeks ever, we finally made it to Friday. We’re crawling to the finish line, but we’re gonna get there!

This weekend brings with it the beginning of our school fall break and we couldn’t be more excited than to have a bit of time to catch our breaths and move to our own pace. We’ve got a lot of things planned. So, here’s to adventures!

{Image: Philippe Halsman, Jump Series}

Back To School

Newport Beach, California, student Lenore Reday crossing the street and kinda looking like she “can turn the world on with her smile.”

Newport Beach, California, student Lenore Reday crossing the street and kinda looking like she “can turn the world on with her smile.”

We have been on a whirlwind trip this summer. I can’t believe it’s over! Back to reality this morning. I don’t think I’m ready.

{Image found HERE}

Through Different Eyes

The past few days I’ve been planning for a class I’ll be teaching in September. I have my own ideas about this project and where I want to take it, but I also don’t want to hinder anyone’s creativity.

Everyone sees the world differently through their own eyes. I’m excited to see how each person approaches the task at hand and what their final outcome will be.

School’s Out For Summer

Phone Call Pink Phone

“Oh, Doris! Did you hear?”

“No, Joni. What?”

“School’s out for SUMMER!”


The students have officially left the building and even though I’ll still be working for a while longer getting things cleaned up and ready for next year, it will be done at a less frenetic pace.

{Image found HERE}

A Mountain Range of Paint

As we moved into the Easter Break, one of the things on my To-Do list was to scrape back the oil paint from the palettes so we could re-use them once we return to school.

There is something satisfying about scraping all of the paint off, by this point it has become almost gooey, gummy even. As I smeared it across some newspaper to wipe my knife clean, I happened to look down and noticed all the little waves and crests and ridges that had formed. It was my own little ocean or mountain range of oil paint.

The way one color moved into the next, pattern but no pattern, rhythm and flow. It made me smile, it was almost a miniature work of art in itself.

Jennifer Michie Oil Paint 1 Jennifer Michie Oil Paint 2 Jennifer Michie Oil Paint 3

The Last Day

Jennifer Michie Five Guys Fries

What could be a better way of celebrating the last day of school then an order of Five Guys french fries?

Here’s to Summer! Long may you last. And to the weekend, we are so happy that you have finally arrived!