I am covered in little pieces of felt at the moment and busy sewing away. I have another bear and bunny order.

So I have steadily been cutting and sewing and marking on little bunny whiskers and bear faces and this process has been made all the more easier by my new light box.

My adorable ginger was tired of seeing me use the lamp as my light box and one evening I came home and sitting on the table was a shiny new light box just for me! Now that, to me, is l♥ve! It has made my life a million-bajillion times easier! I am now, quite happily nestled in my little corner of the room I’ve carved out as my studio space, working away and listening to music.

This is what I have playing in my ears at the moment from the Away We Go soundtrack. I really liked this movie. It is just about being, about finding who you are and where you belong and who you belong with, its story was sweet.

I have also been busy ironing away this morning, making more Jenny Wren labels to be sewn into little bear and bunny legs, so now,  I am going back to stitching on fluffy bunny tales and putting teddy bear ears together….