Tag: birthday (page 2 of 4)

Happy Father’s Day

Jennifer Michie Fathers Day 2013

I have been formed by many scraps of wisdom over the years and I have learned and grown from every single one of them. It is how one reacts to and handles particular moments in life, that lets you see the kind of person they are. It is in those moments that I have learned from my father how to be the person I want to be.

Happy Father’s Day to all Dads, be they new or old to fatherhood.


Jennifer Michie Happy Birthday

You know who you are! A thousand Birthday wishes sent your way! I love you! x

The Beginning of the Weekend

Grandma 1966 itsbetterthanbad Flickr

Well…. We MADE IT! What a week this has been! Today heralds in the beginning of my birthday celebrations. Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY, Sunday is not only Father’s Day, but also another birthday for someone very special.

I’m keeping it low key this year. I am going to make a white wedding cake with wedding cake icing and I want to attempt to decorate it with roses, like I have seen on I am Baker:

I am Baker Neapolitan Rose Cake

I don’t have a flower nail or a slanted icing tip in my cake decorating toolbox here to make traditional roses with, so this will be an easy way around that. We are going to the movies to see Man of Steel and maybe if the weather holds we will do a little grilling out and Mr. Michie can make me his wonderful baked sweet potatoes to go along with our steak and cucumber salad.

I don’t really want anything for my birthday, as I have what I need, but birthdays are for wishes and there is something that I have wished for for awhile now. I want a pair of cowboy boots. I used to have the most beautiful pair of lace up boots when I was riding more regularly, but they have long since worn out and gone away to boot heaven.

Vintage Cowgirl by amhpics Flickr

I have been looking for the right pair of boots of ages! I know what I want and whose brand I want, I am not much of a label girl, but I like and always have liked Ariat’s riding boots. So, I have finally found the pair I have been looking for.I just have to order them… They are gorgeous!

So, here’s to the weekend and sleeping in and birthday cake and birthday wishes and sunshine and rainbows. Here’s to happiness!

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4 Year Bloga-versary and BIG NEWS: I’M MOVING BLOGS!

Well first things first. Today is my 4 YEAR BLOGA-VERSARY! I can’t believe that it has been 4 years since I got on this ride and I have loved every minute of it. I have learned a lot in my 4 years sharing this space with you, which leads me to my next announcement: I am moving blogs. This has been a long thought out decision for me and an ongoing design process. I have loved the time that I have shared with you in this space, but I feel it is time for me to grow-up a bit and have a place to truly call my own.

The paring down approach we are taking with us into this new year, is one that I have decided to take into my new space. I wanted to keep the design clean and simple, yet still elegant and whimsical.

I will begin the process of moving everything over soon, so please bare with me as I will have a bit of tidying up to do to ensure that everything has moved over smoothly.

Thank you for sharing this spot with me, I hope you continue to read and follow me in my new space. For the next little bit, this is still “home”. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted on the BIG MOVE, I’m still packing up boxes, so I’m not quite there yet.

Jennifer x

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“Daaaa-Da”, those two notes, live in history as the sound of an underwater villain fast approaching. In the historic words of Chief Martin Brody, “We’re gonna need a bigger boat!”

JAWS is a movie, I have long adored. It was always on TV in the Summer and for some reason, it would without fail come on the night before we would be heading to the beach and I would inevitably be drawn into watching it.

It is a classic of cinema, how can you pass it by when it is on? But, that would mean that by the time we got the beach, the thought of swimming in water past a depth of 3 feet, was not something I could do for the first few days.

I have never had the chance to see JAWS on the big screen. They have re-released it for the Summer and so Mr. Michie took me to see it last night for my birthday. We just had a good old fashioned Summer-time birthday party, just the two of us. We got a couple of cheeseburgers and a coke for dinner and then munched on popcorn in the theater.

Seeing it on the big screen was incredible, even though I knew what was coming, I still jumped. We had a few first timers in there as well and there was a scream here and there, it was funny. It was a fun way to start off the birthday weekend celebrations. Then we came home and feasted on french silk pie.

That is what I was using my lovely jar of fluff for. I made a few recipe changes, but it was absolutely delicious! I even had a piece of pie for breakfast this morning. It doesn’t get much better than that!

They Say its Your Birthday…

They say its your Birthday! Its My Birthday TOOOOO!

Today is my Birthday and I am so excited! Mr. Michie and I have made a French Silk Pie as my birthday cake of choice (that is what the gorgeous Fluff was used for, it was a new recipe I was trying out).

Tonight, Mr. Michie has an evening of FUN planned to start the Birthday Weekend off with a BANG!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

3 Years

Today, I celebrate 3 years of blogging. This space has changed a lot in 3 years and I shall continue to evolve it.

I am “growing-up” in this “blogging” world and I feel my blog should reflect that, reflect where I am right now. So little by little I will start to make a few changes here and there. So, stay tuned!

I want to thank you all for reading what I write, for your lovely comments and e-mails and for sticking with me! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I never imagined that when I started this 3 years ago, as a creative outlet just for me, that I would meet such kind, generous people! Thank You!

Here’s to another 3 years!

A few of my favorite posts, just a handful of them, written over this past year:

Goose Girl & Foxy Writing for me in: Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig!
The Anatomy of a Christmas Card
Mrs. Moss (Part 1)
Meet Goose Girl & Foxy
Renegade Craft Fair Walk Part 2
Writing on the Wall #33

P.S. Today is Cinco De Mayo and Mr. Michie and I will be celebrating with homemade mexican food tonight, but in the mean time to get me in the spirit, Gigi & Foxy shared a little pic with me of a party they are throwing on their farm! Enjoy! (click here)