It’s late August. The summer is coming to a close and yet I feel we’re just getting started. We’re hungry for more time together, more late nights, the endless rounds of UNO, staying up late to watch old movies.
The rambling morning strolls. The unexpected afternoon run for an ice cream cone. The days bleeding into the next, the point where you’re so in the groove of being, you have to think what day of the week it is.
Splitting PB&J sandwiches for lunch before we play another round of a card game or put a puzzle piece in. The simple act of being and letting stillness wash over us, calming and soothing. Like the feel of cool wash cloth gently wiped over your face when you’ve been sick.
The hot days, the slightly cooler days. The tug-of-war that is slowly beginning with the seasons, will Summer or Autumn pull harder on their side first? The berries really coming in to their own and the luck of snatching a few off the bushes before the birds devour them all.