Tag: autumn (page 1 of 13)

Hello, September

Hello, September. We’re ready for you to slowly guide Autumn in as she greets us with a crown of wheat and jewel coloured leaves. We’re ready to continue our pace of Summer, we’re not quite ready for tomorrow to bring us our first official back-to-school day. 

We’re still ready to relish in the late Summer bounty of heirloom tomatoes, fresh corn and yellow squash. We’re ready for slightly cooler days mixed with sunshine. We’re ready for the magic that the air holds as we make the transition into Autumn. Apples are already hanging heavy on boughs. 

We’re sad to wave goodbye to this Summer. It’s been full, it’s been fun, it’s been what we needed, but we feel we’re just truly hitting our stride and we’ll be sorry to head back into the hustle and bustle of a new school year. But all chapters must come to a close, so new chapters may begin. 

Welcome, September. We hope you hold all good things. 

Late Summer

It’s late August. The summer is coming to a close and yet I feel we’re just getting started. We’re hungry for more time together, more late nights, the endless rounds of UNO, staying up late to watch old movies. 

The rambling morning strolls. The unexpected afternoon run for an ice cream cone. The days bleeding into the next, the point where you’re so in the groove of being, you have to think what day of the week it is. 

Splitting PB&J sandwiches for lunch before we play another round of a card game or put a puzzle piece in. The simple act of being and letting stillness wash over us, calming and soothing. Like the feel of cool wash cloth gently wiped over your face when you’ve been sick. 

The hot days, the slightly cooler days. The tug-of-war that is slowly beginning with the seasons, will Summer or Autumn pull harder on their side first? The berries really coming in to their own and the luck of snatching a few off the bushes before the birds devour them all. 

Happy Thanksgiving

🦃 Gobble! Gobble! 🦃

The Happiest of Thanksgiving wishes to you!

I hope this year finds you surrounded by family and friends, love, warmth, good food and laughter. x

{Vintage Thanksgiving Post Card | Pinned HERE}

HELLO, November

Hello, November. We’re ready for the days to fully turn cooler as we move into late autumn. We’re ready for long walks with mugs filled with hot apple cider. We’re ready to continue playing our board games late into a Saturday night, or a quiet afternoon spent working on a puzzle. 

We’re ready for Bonfire Night that you will bring this weekend and making our first apple crumble of the season with a generous scoop of homemade ice cream on top. 

We’re ready to settle into this season of coziness and candlelight and the build up to Thanksgiving. We’re ready to feast on leftover turkey sandwiches and decorate for Christmas near the end of this month. 

We’re ready for the smell of woodsmoke in the air on a crisp night, mixed with the scent of a stew simmering on the stove, while fresh bread bakes in the oven. 

We’re ready to soak up this season and to find peace in the quiet moments, for the world right now is far too loud. We welcome you, November with open arms. 

{Vintage Turkey Illustration found HERE via The Biodiversity Heritage Library | Pinned HERE}

HELLO, October

Hello, October. Even though you are apparently bringing a mini heatwave with you, we’re ready for more of a shift toward fall. We have noticed that the light is changing along with the shadows which are lengthening day by day. We’re ready for crunchy apples and crispy leaves underfoot. We’re ready for cauldrons and Halloween candy and witch’s hats and things that go bump in the night. 

We’re ready for the first cold snap of the season and the smell of woodsmoke dancing in the air while on an evening stroll. We’re ready for Friday nights spent watching some of our favourite Halloween movies while munching on marshmallow popcorn balls. 

We’re ready for clear skies and breezes that give a snap to the air. As well as moody days that lend themselves perfectly to tea drinking and book reading. We’re ready to watch Autumn be crowned in all her golden, bronze and copper glory. 

We’re ready to bake pies and work on our jigsaw puzzles and spend lazy Saturday mornings over a cup of coffee and the crossword. We’re ready to make a fresh batch of apple butter for the fall and try our hand at a new chutney recipe I’ve been holding on to. We’re ready for soups and stews and jack-o-lanterns peeking out from windows and mums dotted about in flower pots. 

We’re ready for the school fall break that you will bring and the adventures that are planned. We’re ready for you October in all your pumpkin orange, candy corn, black cats, witches flying across the moon, leaves turning golden hues and candlelit filled nights glory. Welcome, October! 

{P is for Pumpkin, Ella Ginn | Pinned HERE}

HELLO, September

Hello, September. I’m not sure I was ready for you and the back to school day that you will bring. We were busy having too much fun in August; spending days surrounded by those that we love so dearly. My heart was full and my cup runneth over in those lazy, hazy days of late July and August. 

But, ready or not, here you come and we’re going to be ready for the shifting light and shadows that you will bring. We’re ready for the days that feel more autumnal and the chance to soak up a few more drops of that golden summer glow before it vanishes completely. 

We’re ready for our house to be more back in order after coming home from traveling and some around the house projects being completed. We’re ready for those cozy, quiet, cooler weekends spent working on puzzles and listening to music. We’re ready to munch on apples and grilled cheese sandwiches for Saturday lunches while we linger over the crossword at the kitchen table. 

We’re sorry to see this summer go in particular, but we’re ready for you September. We’re not wishing away our time, but we can feel this seasonal shift upon us. As the metronome to our daily rhythm picks up pace with the start of this new school year and we find that beat that works best for us. 

Welcome, September, we can’t wait to see what you have over the horizon for us. 

{“Apples, Pumpkins, and Friends for the Picking” from A Classy Girl Wears Pearls | Pinned HERE}

HELLO, November

Hello, November. We’re ready for our Indian Summer to finally give way to chillier days and nights. We’re ready for hot apple cider packed in a flask to take with us on walks in the nature reserve. We’re ready to smell woodsmoke in the air and the taste of a freshly toasted marshmallow on our lips.

We’re ready for the day to draw to a close sooner and the evenings to be filled with games of Scrabble or cards while records spin and conversation keeps us lingering at the table longer than usual. 

We’re ready for bonfire night with crispy sausages and gingerbread cake with homemade toffee sauce and lashings of whipped cream. We’re ready for Thanksgiving because the next day you will be bringing us a heavenly leftover turkey sandwich and cold slice of pumpkin pie, which brings me endless amounts of joy.

We’re ready to continue to soak up this season and this year, for it is going far too quickly. Welcome, November, we’re ready for you. 

{Autumn Palette by Mary Charles, 2015}