itsbetterthanbad rolf & valerie hannestad couch 1963

Rolf & Valerie Hannestad on the couch 1963

“What do you see Valerie?”

“I see the weekend Rolf!”

Well today marks the end of my first week at my new school. I am slowly and surely getting into my groove. I walk through the doors every day and can’t believe I am getting to work inside such an amazing building with such wonderful people!

I feel content. I am happy beyond measure. I am tired when I get in at night, it is an early just before 5 o’clock rise in the morning to make sure I have time to get ready, for Mr. Michie and I to work around each other, do my morning things and get to the train in time. I have a lovely walk to school at the end of my train and tube journeys, a chance to collect my thoughts going to work and coming home.

So, I am tired by the end of such a busy day, but it is a good tired, I am sleeping at night with happy dreams. Did yo notice there is a lot of happy in this post?

Here’s to the weekend and to happiness and to wishes coming true!

{Image: It’s Better Than Bad}