Winging My Way Home

Vintage Airline Ad Flight AttendantsBy the time you read this today, I will be up in the air, winging my way home. I ended my day yesterday with a quiet moment in the cupboard, surveying my home of 3 years, before I silently turned off the lights and locked my door for the very last time.

I handed over my keys, had a mini send-off in the hallway with farewell hugs and waves and walked down the stairs and into the sunshine. It feels surreal. A good surreal though. I feel as if I had run through an emotional gauntlet and somehow managed to come out the other side, there was a heady mix of highs and lows.

After a full day of traveling, I will be home in time for dinner with my parents. What could be better?

I might be radio silent for a few days while I enjoy being home and taking a little time to breath! I’ll catch up with you soon!

Jennifer x