It doesn’t feel like the First of May here this morning, I watered my flowers this morning and as I stepped outside, the mist that was hanging in the air was incredible. It was 39F when we left the house this morning, so pretty chilly for a May Day! But Spring will come here, eventually…..
Anonymous says:
Dancing around the May Pole….what fun!!! Except here, right now, it will be around a snow shovel!!
Happy First of May!!!!!!!!! MAY it be wonderful!!
May 1, 2013 — 7:08 am
Jennifer Michie says:
It doesn’t feel like the First of May here this morning, I watered my flowers this morning and as I stepped outside, the mist that was hanging in the air was incredible. It was 39F when we left the house this morning, so pretty chilly for a May Day! But Spring will come here, eventually…..
May 1, 2013 — 8:17 am
Anonymous says:
Yes, it will…..our May is getting a bit warmer now and rain is predicted on and off all of this week which is another oddity since we’ve been so dry….
So…hopefully, green grass, flowers, and blooms will not be far behind!
Enjoy your 4 day week!
Love you!
May 7, 2013 — 7:27 am