We finished decorating the cottage today, just in time for the first day of Advent. Our wreath is out and our purple candle lit. We usually don’t decorate this early, I would normally start getting things out by the second week of December, but with all the craziness of school at the moment, I knew if we didn’t do it now, we wouldn’t have the chance to do it.
Mr. Michie said I was like a Christmas Fairy, sprinkling the house with Christmas here and there. I will admit, every room has a bit of Christmas in it, it just has too! I thought I would share a couple of photos we took, while we were decorating.
I hope that you are enjoying today, wherever you may be and that peace is with you as we move into the season of Christmas.
Anonymous says:
Oh….I LOVE the little house with the teeny stones on it….. ooooh!
December 11, 2012 — 8:00 am
Jennifer Michie says:
It was a gift from my Mom and I adore it!
December 11, 2012 — 7:15 pm
the REAL girl says:
Oh….those moms are pretty special….
December 17, 2012 — 3:50 am
Jennifer Michie says:
YES, those moms are pretty darn special!
December 17, 2012 — 5:30 pm