Tag: Illustration (page 3 of 4)

Fall-ing Back

Our clocks fell back over the weekend. We awoke on Sunday morning to a truly autumnal day. It was sunny and crisp. There was a snap in the air; the leaves crunched under our feet. Mushrooms seemingly sprang up everywhere over night and the air was filled with the warming smell of woodsmoke.

Being so spoiled by the sunshine, I completely forgot how quickly night would close in. We were lost in a conversation, listening to music when we were suddenly aware that the room had grown dark. Quickly, lights were turned on, candles were lit, curtains were drawn and everything felt cozy again.

I’m ready for fall. I’m ready for this change of season. Tonight we’re carving pumpkins and feasting on comforting bowls of homemade macaroni and cheese. There’s a fresh sticky date cake cooling on the counter and a toffee sauce bubbling away on the stove, which will be generously poured over it along with a huge dollop of whipped cream.

Happiness is…

{Image Phoebe Wahl HERE // Pinned HERE}

It’s Almost Time!

Grab your broomsticks, jack-o-lanterns, owls, black cats and lanterns. The bewitching hour is almost upon us! Halloween is almost here!

{“The Halloween Party” (1974), illustration by Adrienne Adams HERE // Pinned HERE}

Hello Friday!

Hello? Hello, Friday! It’s good to see you! We’ve been waiting for you since Monday.

I have been back from my little adventure for a week now. Spring looked as if it was truly “springing”, but Lady Winter is not ready to give up yet. We are supposed to have a weekend FULL of SNOW and that suits me just fine! I don’t mind once last hurrah of winter.

I’m hoping it means a blissfully long weekend with no school on Monday. With snow in the forecast, I’ve been busy this morning. We finished planning our weekly menu last night and I went grocery shopping after my morning run today.

Our fridge is well stocked. There is an array of vegetables on the counter, soon to be turned into refrigerator pickles. Butter is slowly softening on the stovetop and will be beaten into a St. Patrick’s Day decorated pound cake. The dryer is humming away, music is playing and I’m eating a slice of my Nana’s Irish Soda Bread. So, all is well in my world.

Here’s to the weekend, long may it last! xx

{Image found HERE}

A Monday Kind of a Monday

Yesterday, seemed to be a really Monday kind of a Monday. In reaching out to people I love yesterday in their little far flung corners of the world, everyone seemed to be having, “one of those days!” Some were having worse days than others.

Mine, might have tumbled over a bit into today as I woke up thinking that today was Wednesday. Wishful thinking, I guess.

But, it snowed for a little bit this morning. I got to watch the ducks swim around the non-frozen part of the pond while on my run. There are fresh out of the oven buttermilk rolls cooling on the counter and roasted red pepper and tomato soup bubbling away on the stove for dinner tonight. All in all today’s been a pretty good day!

So, just a reminder to us all, in case you had the Monday that I did yesterday; in our own way, in our own time; we are KILLING IT, each and every day!

{Illustration found  HERE // Pinned HERE}


Santa Lucia

Happy St. Lucia Day!

We did not wake up to Swedish saffron buns this morning as we are a house where everyone has a cold. But we did the next best thing; we feasted on buttery toast, hot tea and the candles were lit.

I have long been in love with this special feast day of St. Lucy. I have spoken about it a few times  here in the past, usually in a Halloween related post. But, I was a very lucky girl one Christmas and Santa brought me Kirsten, the Swedish American Girl doll. I loved her so.

One year for Halloween I dressed up just like her St. Lucia outfit. My Mom braided my hair and put it up in loops held in place with red satin ribbons. She pulled out one of her Christmas wreaths and tied red satin bows in it and nestled battery operated candles in the branches. I wore a long white tunic with a huge red satin sash tied in a big bow. Only I would dress up as something Christmas related for Halloween.

Identically dressed, Kirsten and I went trick-or-treating together that year. My next door neighbour who was Swedish, got the biggest surprise when he opened his door to us. He was delighted! I will never forget the look on his face and the memories that that brought back for him. G. was a great story teller.

I hope someone brightens your path today and brings happiness and light to it on this wonderful feast day of St. Lucia. 

{Image FOUND}

Happy Birthday Carmen!

Well, this was something to put a smile on my face this morning! Google is celebrating Carmen Miranda’s 108th Birthday! You just gotta love that fruit hat! I adore this doodle, it has a Mary Blair-esque quality to it, which is very charming!

I remember the first time I saw Carmen Miranda. I was little, I was watching Turner Classic Movies and they were showing casing Cesar Romero films. They aired Week-End in Havana and suddenly there she was twirling across the stage, singing and dancing. Designed by Gwen Wakeling, her costumes in that movie were incredibly colourful and spirited. The splashes of aqua and tangerine juxtaposed perfectly against her gorgeous olive toned skin and raven black hair. The use of vibrant tones and geometric design in her pinky-raspberry red and white stripped cropped blouse, that was then rimmed with the most luscious grape sized green beads, was simply beautiful.

Happy Birthday Carmen Miranda and Happy Thursday, we’re almost there…

{Doodle created by: Sophie Diao}