Deer 1963

I stood on the train platform yesterday heading into London and I heard rustling coming from the wooded embankment opposite me. I scanned the trees and noticed two then four little legs slowly come down the hill. Then I saw more little furry stick like legs. It was a group of muntjacs foraging.

I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed. They hadn’t. They were either on their phone, on their iPad, reading, talking to someone or staring at the clock on the platform and wishing for the train to appear. No one else had taken them in.

They stepped gingerly, yet gracefully down the hill, stopping here and there to sniff or munch. They were hidden pretty well by the canopy of leaves. But I knew what I was looking for. I treasure these interactions with nature. They are a gift.

{P.S. The image above is not of a muntjac, they are much smaller animals. I just liked this image and that someone in 1963, saw a deer in their yard and ran to get their camera. // Image found HERE}