Year: 2015 (page 1 of 16)

Oh Christmas Tree…

Remember these?

Jennifer Michie Wooden Trees

Well, I glued them on to ring bases, covered them in extra sparkly green glitter and gave them to my printmaking class as a Christmas surprise. I was really pleased with how they turned out. Nothing like a little Christmas bling to get you ready for the holidays!

Jennifer Michie Christmas Tree Ring

Holiday Shopping in the 1960s

Mashable Christmas 1

I have a soft spot for the 1950s and 60s. The hair, the clothes, the houses, the furniture! I came across these photographs from the 1960s on Mashable. Taken by amateur photographer Ronald Sanderson of department store window displays around South Shields and Newcastle-upon-Tyne during a 1960s holidays. These photographs are too cute! Enjoy!

Mashable Christmas 2 Mashable Christmas 3 Mashable Christmas 4 Mashable Christmas 5 Mashable Christmas 6

Star Wars


I gave Mr. Michie an early birthday present tonight and took him to see Star Wars:The Force Awakens. I booked our tickets a few weeks ago, we were really lucky as we got the last two seats on sale. We ate popcorn, we held hands and we re-lived our childhood.  J.J. Abrams truly rekindled the magic of the original trilogy. We LOVED it! And, that is all I shall write as I don’t want to spoil it for anyone else.

{Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher 1977 // 2015 – FOUND}

Gingerbread Girls

Jennifer Michie Gingerbread Girls

We spent yesterday afternoon making gingerbread. The house smells wonderful and cozy. When Mr. Michie kissed me goodnight, he told me that my hair even smelled of gingerbread, which made me smile! Happiness is…


Quiet. Quiet is how I feel.

I have lost a loved one this festive season and it has made me simply crave quiet, to crave peace. Although, both are in short supply at the moment.  I’ve not visited here, because I’ve had little to say. I’ve been lighting my candles, listening to music, baking bread, cooking, reading; just being.

It’s made me step back from the edge of the surging river, that is the holiday season. I love Christmas, it makes me sad that it is such a rush. There is too much hustle and bustle. When do we stop to take in the beauty of the season around us? To enjoy family and friends? Everything seems to be moving more and more to a harried finish line, where once crossed, we come out the other side dazed, dishevelled and confused, wondering what happened to Christmas in the first place?

Christmas is about being with the people you love, cherishing the time you have and being present in the moment. And that is exactly what I plan to do – to relish the quiet moments; to enjoy the noise of jovial voices and laughter; to find myself amongst all of it whole again.

The memories you make with those that you love are so very important. For it is memories that you are left with.