No matter how confident we are, I think there are always moments that cause us to pause and reflect, to question if we are doing the right thing. Parenting is a big responsibility. It is one of the most important jobs that you will ever do, whether you parent your own children or someone else’s. You are responsible for this little soul. You are the one who will teach them right from wrong, kindness, manners, politeness. You teach them love not only through your words, but more importantly through your actions.
This week as I was getting caught up with some blog reading, I read that the gorgeous Joy of Oh, Joy! Had written a post entitled, Party of 4! In the post she announced that her and her husband were expecting their second baby. Their first child, Ruby is often featured on her blog and she is a doll baby! The post included a video of them telling Ruby they were having a baby. She was super excited and at the end of the video, she hugged Joy and said, “I love you so much! I’m so proud of you Mommy!”
That brought tears to my eyes. Ruby said those things, because she has heard Joy speak them to her. My sister became a first time Mother almost two years ago and as I watch her continue to blossom in this role, I also see my babycakes of a niece, blossom as well. She is very affectionate, kind, gentle and loving. She is really getting in to talking lately and of course little people are monkeys, they repeat what they see and hear and she speaks words of love and shows actions of kindness because that is what she sees from my sister and her husband.
We instil these actions into our children. Every time someone compliments my sister or I on our manners or how we polite we are, they should really be complimenting my parents. My Mother taught us love and that is the greatest thing we can do for anyone. At the end of the day, if you are bestowing the gift of Love, then you are doing the right thing.
So today on Mother’s Day, for those who are mothers, who once were, who dream of being, we celebrate you as women, for in your hands and within your hearts you shape and create the future.
Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom and Sister, I love you both, you strong, beautiful, caring, creative women!
{Image of Lucille Ball and her daughter Lucie, 1952}