All is quiet here, we are slowly easing into this new year. Mr. Michie and I just arrived back this afternoon from seeing my family at home for the holidays. It was a wonderful trip. I got to see my sister, who is my best friend and finally meet in person (after many Skype visits) my beautiful new niece. She is sweet beyond words and I am already missing her and all her little giggles and sweet baby smells.
We have a few more days before school starts, so we will spend the weekend unpacking, doing a littleĀ reorganizingĀ and just being.
I hope that your new year has gotten off on the right foot for you and that all is well. Jennifer x
the REAL girl says:
Oh, I know how difficult this must have been to leave sweet baby Nora….Oh my goodness, those baby smells. Like puppy smells!!!!!
Since my left foot is still hurting, I will get off on the RIGHT foot…
(I know; not really funny)
January 6, 2013 — 5:56 am