I thought I would share with you a little taste of Christmas in the cottage. Shot with an 8mm app on Mr. Michie’s phone. I was trying to keep the camera slightly jumpy and a little off skew, to mimic old home movie reels from the 50’s and 60’s.
Anonymous says:
Oh Jennifer…I just adore it!!! It’s wonderful and I am so tickled to get a little teeny tour of a bit of your Christmas…..
Is that Mr. Michie in the M sweater? Love it all, especially your Nativity….
December 11, 2012 — 7:53 am
Jennifer Michie says:
That could be Mr. Michie in the little sweater! His name is Milo. We name things, crazy, I know! The nativity set my Mom started for us the first year we were married and we add pieces here and there when we can. I just adore it! xx
December 11, 2012 — 7:21 pm