Today is one of my favorite days of all, Halloween! Our house is filled with pumpkins, candles are lit, treats are ready and snacks are in the fridge. Tonight we will feast on Halloween Hamburgers, veggies and a homemade goat cheese dip, a little Halloween carrot cake and a double feature on the old movie screen.
We never got to watch Hocus Pocus last night, so tonight that is first on the bill of our double feature and then onto the old version of Fright Night. Mr. Michie made me watch it the other year, I still find it a bit hard to see Prince Humperdinck as a vampire, but there you go.
We are having so much fun watching these old movies, it might continue in to tomorrow, there is still Young Frankenstein and The Monster Squad to watch too…
Happy Halloween all you goblins, witches, wizards and black cats, may your trick-or-treating endeavors bring you many many treats!
(retro trick-or-treaters image found here)