Well, a funny thing happened yesterday. Being the nerd that I am, I occasionally look to see where I am getting web traffic from. I find it amazing that someone in China, is reading my blog, or in Peru or even in a little town in Colorado, or Indiana, or Virginia! In all its vastness the world is truly a small place.

I noticed that I got a lot of hits from CharHadas. So, I clicked on it. The link took me to a post that they had written about little old me and a Halloween post I wrote last year.

Now, I must pause here to say that the image, was never mine to begin with, as I had found it on Love, Luck, Kisses & Cake. However, I was just absolutely tickled pink to see myself featured on a popular Spanish site.

It has been a very long week, I feel that I have been at work since last Wednesday, as the few hours I was home Sunday after we got back from Madrid, don’t count before I had to go back to work Monday morning, seeing this just made me smile. It was pretty cool. So, thank you CharHadas for featuring me.

My original post is featured below and the link to the CharHadas article is HERE.

Friday, 28 October 2011
Halloween Round-Up

I have been doing a little Halloween reconnaissance today and came across some cute ideas, old and new that I thought I would share with you!

Glittering pumpkins are always beautiful, not just for Halloween, they can carry you through the fall season and adorn your Thanksgiving table, I found these on the beautiful Livy’s blog:

This Candy Corn Mousse, is festively colorful and perfect for a grown-up Halloween get-together with its cheesecake base:

Leave it to Martha to come up with a cute idea for orange balloons! This is a nice thing for little people to have something to take home at the end of your Halloween party. You could even tie a little bag of candy to the bottom, so their pumpkin doesn’t float away:

I love making bark and this Halloween Candy Bark version looks hauntingly delicious:

Bring something home from the Three Broomsticks to your Halloween festivities and make a batch of Butterbeer for all your little witches and wizards:

Use different colored candy melts and your imagination to create spooky Halloween inspired chocolate dipped strawberries:

Hope you found a few bewitching ideas that take your fancy…

(Images courtesy of their respective blogs)