Year: 2011 (page 4 of 22)

The Closing of a Week..

What a week this has been! There were many late nights and a big Art Show that was put up in less than 24 hours and will be taken down in less than 24 hours as well.

I am ready for this week to close, I am ready to spend the weekend in Mr. Michie’s arms and get back to basics after such a hectic week. So, here is to date night and sleeping in and staying cozy and walking through the woods and eating dinner by candlelight. Here’s to the weekend, long may it last and let us eek out every drop it has to offer!

(Image by: Irene Suchoki)

Writing on the Wall #31

How silently they tumble down

And come to rest upon the ground

To lay a carpet, rich and rare,

Beneath the trees without a care,

Content to sleep, their work well done,

Colors gleaming in the sun.

At other times, they wildly fly

Until they nearly reach the sky.

Twisting, turning through the air

Till all the trees stand stark and bare.

Exhausted, drop to earth below

To wait, like children, for the snow.

– Elsie N. Brady, Leaves


(Image by Becca Stadtlander)

The Outlander

It was night, and dogs came through the trees, unleashed and howling. They burst from the cover of the woods and their shadows swam across a moonlit field. For a moment, it was as if her scent had torn like a cobweb and blown on the wind, shreds of it here and there, useless. The dogs faltered and broke apart, yearning. Walking now, stiff-legged, they ploughed the grass with their heavy snouts.

…The girl stood in her ditch under a hard, small moon. Pale foam rose from where her shoes sank into mud. No more voices inside her head, no noise but these dogs. She saw her own course along the ground as a trail of bright light, now doused in the ditchwater. She clambered up the bank and onto a road, her stiff funeral skirt made of bedspread and curtain, her hair wild and falling in dark ropes about her face. The widow gathered up her shawl and fled witchlike down the empty road.

The Outlander, A Novel by Gil Adamson

My Mom, Nana, Aunts and I pass books around to each other, even though I live a million miles away. This was read by my Mom, my Nana and then one of my Aunts who put it in a lovely care package for me.

It has been on my reading pile for awhile, I went through other books first, but I read it over the Summer and I was hooked. It is a delicious book! The way in which the first page was written had me falling so deep dow the rabbit hole, I never wanted to put the book down.

(the above excerpt is copyrighted to Gil Adamson)



I’ve been invited to join Pinterest and I spent my first evening on it, drinking a hot cup of tea and filling up a board with cozy fall images.

Come on over and join me, this is going to be FUN!

**I have included a button in my sidebar for you to navigate there easily**

The First of November

We turned back our clocks on Saturday night, I don’t know if I was ready for that, but it happened, as all things do. Tonight as we headed home in darkness, the air hung with shrouds of mist, my teeth chattering as we waited for the bus, I knew that Fall was slowly slipping in to Winter. It will fight, there will be still be days of warmth to come, but the nights are slowly turning chilly. The light has changed and the air is crisp.

November comes 
And November goes, 
With the last red berries 
And the first white snows.
With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.
The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.”
–  Elizabeth Coatsworth

(Image Andrew Wyeth)

Happy Halloween



These would be our Halloween costumes this year. Mr. Michie has been sick for over a week, so I have been donning my nurse’s cap and staying busy making homemade chicken soup and jell-o as well as tending to my little patient!

(Image by the adorable Becky, found on Flickr)

Halloween Round-Up

I have been doing a little Halloween reconnaissance today and came across some cute ideas, old and new that I thought I would share with you!

Glittering pumpkins are always beautiful, not just for Halloween, they can carry you through the fall season and adorn your Thanksgiving table, I found these on the beautiful Livy’s blog:

This Candy Corn Mousse, is festively colorful and perfect for a grown-up Halloween get-together with its cheesecake base:

Leave it to Martha to come up with a cute idea for orange balloons! This is a nice thing for little people to have something to take home at the end of your Halloween party. You could even tie a little bag of candy to the bottom, so their pumpkin doesn’t float away:

I love making bark and this Halloween Candy Bark version looks hauntingly delicious:

Bring something home from the Three Broomsticks to your Halloween festivities and make a batch of Butterbeer for all your little witches and wizards:

Use different colored candy melts and your imagination to create spooky Halloween inspired chocolate dipped strawberries:

Hope you found a few bewitching ideas that take your fancy…

(Images courtesy of their respective blogs)