Month: July 2011 (page 3 of 3)

Fourth of July Round-Up

There is something magical about the Fourth of July, it is as if it truly heralds in the Summer in all of her glory, of hot days, lemonade, splashing in a pool, riding your bikes, the feel of a hammock on your back, the tickle of a cooling fan over your skin and evenings that are still filled with heat, but surrounded by starry skies, eating dripping ice cream cones off the back porch and stolen kisses.

I know that many families will be celebrating today vs. tomorrow, but I thought I would do a little Fourth of July Round-Up, for all those late minute party ideas and recipes.

This bike would easily win any Fourth of July Parade contest, decorated in all the glory of Red, White & Blue:

What could be better than a take home treat for your guest, or as a sweet to munch on under the stars as you watch the fireworks. To make them, start by partially filling a 2-by-10-inch cellophane bag with blue candies to stand in for stars. Then add red and white candy sticks to mimic stripes. Tie the bag with red waxed twine (Martha Stewart Living):

A spin on the traditional peach pie, adding creme fraiche to this dessert gives it a French twist:

No Fourth of July celebration would be complete without coleslaw, there is nothing better than creamy slaw piled high on a grilled dog, oozing with mustard!:

To go alongside those dogs covered in slaw, you need a good old-fashioned cheeseburger:

I hope everyone has a wonderful Fourth of July!

(All images copyright Martha Stewart)

The Adventure Begins

Please join Goose Girl & Foxy in celebrating the opening of their new blog space. The adventure begins today….

(You will find a blog button located on the sidebar to direct you there, or click on the image above!)

Meet & Greet

Introducing GiGi & FoxyI would like to introduce you to Goose Girl & Foxy. Some of you may already be aware of their adventures and have met them here.  But, today is a historic day. Having very sweetly asked for their own blog I have happily obliged and provided them with one.

I am not always sure what they get up to when I am not around, so this will serve as a place for them to set their adventures down on paper.

They are pretty easy going by nature, so I imagine their blog shall be as well. No rules, it will just evolve as time goes on, because that is what Foxy feels should happen.

So, stay tuned, there are adventures yet to be had and stories yet to be told…