We went to my adorable redhead’s Grandad’s 90th Birthday party this weekend! Oh, that was a mouthful! It was lovely. However, the weather was bitter cold and rainy, so the garden party was moved indoors.

Coming home on Sunday the weather was still cold but, the sky was an azure blue and filled with thick puffy marshmallow clouds.  As we headed down the rails, waving goodbye to the platform the sun burst through, the train picked up speed and we were off, back home to London.

We passed fields of rapeseed all blossoming sunshine yellow, with borders of green hedges running through them like a giant crossword puzzle. I saw a giant jack-rabbit leaping into a field and a few more munching away near the tracks. We saw horses and farms and church spires that would appear out of nowhere, the only building that existed on a plot of land for miles.

We also saw people. People riding horseback through fields, walking their dogs, children running with their red wellies on and waving at the train.

We were sad to leave, but happy to come back to our cozy home. But, I do love to travel even on short trips; there is a magic to the rails, a freedom to them and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride…