Month: October 2014 (page 1 of 2)


Jennifer Michie Sunshine

For what started out as a pretty gloomy morning my tube ride was filled with light. Sunshine poured through every window, nook and cranny. It filled my soul with happiness and hope, for that is what the light is supposed to do.


Jennifer Michie Rainy Morning

It was dark, raining and very windy when I left the cottage this morning. It was still dark when my train pulled into London. The view from my carriage window was blurred by the raindrops speeding down the glass, their velocity matching the train. The lights we passed seemed to stretch out for miles, the dark and the rain exaggerating their glow.

I found my salvation this morning at 7:26am, while waiting for the tube, I took my first glorious sip of hot coffee. I’m normally up not long after 5, so by that point in the morning, I am more than ready for a little jolt of caffeine. Everyone was quiet this morning. The darkness, the rain, the fact that it was another Monday all played their part, I think.

It has rained off and on all day. Night is starting to close in earlier now. You can tell that we are not that far off from moving our clocks back and shortening our days. We have sat on the cusp long enough, I think we are finally slipping into Autumn.

The End of the Week

Jennifer Michie Hydrangea

It was raining as I left work today, but I stopped to capture this sumptuous hydrangea blossom. It’s hues deepening with the progression of autumn. We have reached the end of the week, the house feels still, the candles are lit, music is playing, dinner is in the oven, the dryer is whirring away and I feel happy, peaceful. The weekend has begun.