Month: September 2012 (page 1 of 2)

Cinnamon Rolls

I had some left over orange cream cheese frosting from the cake I made on Friday and decided to use it this morning on some cinnamon rolls.

I had a can of croissants in the fridge (I can hear some of you gasp, canned croissants although not as good as a fresh French bakery croissant, are still delicious!) and knew they would be the perfect bread base for my rolls.

This was my own version of “Semi-Homemade” cooking. I melted some butter, brushed the croissants with it, sprinkled over a mixture of sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon and a dash of allspice.

Next I rolled them up, but in the opposite direction, so the small point of the triangle was on the inside. When I got to the end, I tucked one of the larger ends up under the bottom and then gently mashed the other side down on my board to form a more traditional cinnamon roll shape.

I baked them till they were done, let them cool slightly and then slathered them with the frosting. Alongside a nice cup of coffee, this was the perfect way to start our Sunday morning.

Hope you are having a nice Sunday morning, wherever you may be today!

Eat Your Vegetables!

You should always eat your vegetables! I happen to love them, so that isn’t a problem for me. There are always fun ways to have them. For instance, it was a colleagues birthday today and I was asked to make the cake, so I made a carrot cake with orange cream cheese frosting! Now who says you can’t have veggies for dessert?

Have a wonderful weekend!

An Evening with Sandi Toksvig

I had the distinct pleasure last night to see the incredible and endearing, Sandi Toksvig. She was performing a one-woman show that highlighted her new book, Valentine Grey.

Sandi is someone that I have long watched on T.V. she is a regular on Q.I., a show hosted by Stephen Fry, which is a marvelously intelligent and hilarious show; I always learn something remarkable from watching it.

Her show was extremely personable; it was funny, but more than that, it was real life. She comes from a family who finds the humour in things. I can fully appreciate that, as I come from a family that does that as well. If you can’t laugh, well then what else is there?

She recounted fascinating stories about her life, her family, her friends and there was a bit of history tucked in here and there. She read aloud from her book, Valentine Grey, the story of a woman who takes her cousin’s identity and place in the Volunteer Regiment during the Boer War. They each in their own way are seeking freedom, but freedom comes at a price.

One little anecdote that she shared with us was that while waiting in the wings to go on stage she listens to her IPod and conducts an imaginary orchestra. As we were taking our seats music was playing throughout the theatre and she related to us that that particular piece of music was what she had been listening to. So as we are fumbling around for seats, begging a million pardons to get by and not step on any toes, she is hiding behind the curtains, arms flailing and alive with music.

She ended her show by informing us that she would be conducting. In fact, she enjoyed conducting so much she had a conductor’s tails made for her, stating that she felt a bit like Mickey Mouse when she had it on (her grandfather was an artist who worked for Disney). Cue the stage assistant who brought her coat out for her, she put it on and she looked truly splendid! Now, here it comes: she offered us the opportunity to join her, she wouldn’t see us, of course, as she would have her back to us and it would be awful if we were one of those people who went home thinking, “that looked like so much fun! I wish I joined in!”

So, up from our seats we all rose, the heavenly chords of Beethoven soaring through the theatre and off we went, laughing, conducting, tasting life. I left thinking, in some ways this is the public version of dancing around your house naked. You were alive with music, your soul trembled with excitement, you were free.

After such a long week and feeling that I have been going 100 miles an hour, full throttle, no break; that was a tremendous event to attend and as much as I have going on today, trying to gulp for air when I can, I am still replaying parts of the evening in my head and it makes me smile, it makes me laugh and that is a wonderful thing.

Today, put on a favorite song, wave your arms in the air, dance like no one is watching, for today might be all we have, we need to suck the very marrow out of it.

The Weather

A rainy Monday seems to put everyone in a bad mood! It just makes me want to be at home, curled up on the couch with a nice cup of tea, the radio on, a candle going and a good book in hand. It has rained here from yesterday morning onward.

Last night the rain and wind whipped around the house, the drops beating against the window panes like a drum. This morning, it let up enough so that we didn’t get soaked catching the bus to school, but the heavy rain came back again in full swing not long after. I was so chilly when I got to work, I had to put on the little radiator by my desk, just to take the chill off.

On Friday night, we went out with some friends to one of our favorite pubs, The Royal Standard. They had never been before and enjoyed it immensely. It is one of the coziest pubs going, I think. You can just feel the history oozing out of its pores as you sit at your table, bathed in the glow of candlelight and as always the food was delicious. Good pub grub, but pub grub of a high standard.

I haven’t been there in ages. We had a jolly time in there at Christmas with my sister and her husband, a wonderful day, spent laughing, drinking and eating good food by the fire. The pub cat even came to sit with us, but I know that is only because my sister was with us, she is an animal whisperer.

It rained Friday afternoon and into the evening and as we drove to the Standard, the road and sidewalks were dotted with yellow leaves everywhere. The headlights from the car made them glow eerily, like little yellow lanterns scattered about. It felt like Autumn.

I think this is it! I think we just might be done with Summer. I am ready for it in some ways, but not in others. I am ready for golden and rust colored mums and pumpkins and crunchy leaves and hot apple cider. But, I shall miss my sunshine and warmer weather.

But seasons change and with it, so do we.

Chocolate Cupcakes

Is there a better way to celebrate the end of the week then with a chocolate coffee frosted chocolate cupcake?

I made these for Mr. Michie’s class this afternoon, as it was his Friday to make the cakes and I was even invited down for one and a cup of hot chocolate to boot.

Have a wonderful weekend!

I took a Chance

I took a chance today. I rehung my sign and my older kids came through for me. They wanted to know what it meant, “take a chance on what?”, they asked. “On anything”, I replied, “on life, on school, on art, on love, a chance to be brave, a chance for a fresh start, whatever take a chance means to you!”

They took a tab. They wanted to figure out the meaning, they were questioning, they were thinking, they left with smiles and seemed inspired. And, that is all that matters to me. The boys came back again at lunch and ripped off the tabs that were left, but that’s okay, someone got it, someone understood, someone was put into a position where they had to think and that is what I was after.

Take One

Awhile ago, I saw a sign “pinned” on Pinterest and tucked it away in the back of my mind. This being the 2nd full week of school since our Summer Vacation, I thought I would try it out. I quickly whipped up a sign on Photoshop and printed it out when I got to work.

I liked it. I liked the idea of it. I tore one of the tabs off to get it going and then stuck it to my door. I had some things to do around school at lunch and after returning to my room, I saw a few boys hanging around. I realized later they were hanging around because they had ripped all but one little tab off of my sign.

I suppose, I should have known better, I should have known that the so-called “naughty” kids would do this. But, I refuse to give in to that mentality. I treat all the students the way I wish to be treated. I have made it clear, no matter what happens outside of my room, when you cross my threshold you have a a clean slate with me, until you do something to me.

These so-called “naughty” boys are students I have always treated with respect. I don’t know why it annoyed me so, but seeing all my little tabs torn away, because they were having a laugh, just deflated me. The days seem to be getting longer, so much happened yesterday that this morning it was hard to believe that it was only Tuesday today. ONLY TUESDAY!

It is silly I know to let something so trivial bother me, I think it is just my mood today. I took a chance, I hoped for better. If, one of them, just one of them, got the message, then that is all that really matters, isn’t it? I’ll just keep telling myself that for a little while longer.

I seem to be spinning in all directions at the moment as many of us are. There is always a point in my day when I long for solitude, for 5 minutes that I can call my own. Last night, that solitude came with Mr. Michie. We heated up some Mexican leftovers we had made at the weekend and he made a fresh batch of guacamole. It was the best guacamole I have ever eaten! I couldn’t stop eating it! I am looking forward to my evening, to cooking, to laughing, to recounting the day to one another and simply crashing onto the couch together to just be.

MMMM! Mr. Michie is a GREAT guacamole maker!


To the Weekend

A toast to the weekend. My feet and I welcome you with open arms!

What a week! The first full week of school, has almost gotten the better of me. I hope that the next two days are the longest of my life, so that I can savor them before Monday morning rolls around again and we head back into the fray.

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