Tag: summer (page 4 of 13)

School’s Out for Summer

WOOOO-HOOOO! School’s out for summer!!! Here’s to early morning runs with the sunrise and staying up late till the stars come out, watching movies on the vintage projection screen. Here’s to eating pimento cheese sandwiches and potato chips for lunch and drinking sweet tea. Here’s to lazing about listening to music and reading books and playing board games. Here’s to hot summer days and cool summer evenings, to waffle cones stuffed with homemade ice-cream, to picnics and candlelight filled nights. To cooking new recipes and making old favourites. Here’s to just being, to catching our breaths, to make-out sessions on the couch. Here’s to summer sewing projects and art exhibitions and long strolls in the park and visiting the fair and eating our weight in funnel cakes. Here’s to adventure! Here’s to the summer, long may it last!

{Found HERE // Pinned HERE}

Just Being

Jennifer Michie Chicken Ramen

We went for a long walk today, cleaned the house, did laundry and ran errands. As a treat we decided to have dinner out. The evening was cool and a steaming bowl of chicken ramen soup seemed like a perfect idea.

I love the pace of summer. The chance to truly march to your own drum and do things on the fly. We’ve stayed up late the past few nights watching Stranger Things. I’m totally hooked! It makes me nostalgic for the 80s.

We love the main theme, there is a slight Tangerine Dream vibe going on there.

Hello August!


Well August has arrived. This morning was cool and cloudy, but the sun is working hard on trying to peak out. We’re in the process of making a “Summer Bucket List”, I’m hoping to dip my toes in the ocean at least once. Here’s to Summer, long may it last!

{Image found HERE // Pinned HERE}

School’s Out for Summer!

Summer Fun

School’s out for summer! I can hear Alice Cooper singing those sweet lines in my head as I type. Here’s to road trips, long walks, sleeping in, staying up late. To new adventures. To having a movie fest, playing board games and cards. To eating delicious food prepared at a slow pace.

Here’s to living off PB&J and pimento cheese sandwiches, laying in the sun and eating potato chips. To spur of the moment picnics. To making out while listening to good tunes and to taking each day as it comes. Here’s to summer, long may she last!

{Image found // Pinned HERE}


Jennifer Michie Sunshine

I headed out early for my walk today and was rewarded with a gloriously cool morning and lots and lots of sunshine. Although, now it is pouring with rain outside my window.

Here’s to the summer! Please bring us lots more sunshine, it makes my soul sing!

Strawberry Moon

Jennifer Michie Strawberry Moon 2016

This is not the best picture I know. But, I was so excited to see the Strawberry Moon last night that we ran out of the house without my Nikon; so I snapped this on my iPhone. The moon was still low in the sky, but it had a pinky-peachy golden hue about it and the night felt magical.


I headed out for my walk this morning in the pouring rain, with a podcast that Mr. Michie introduced me to, blasting in my ears. It was a dark and creepy theme, which fit the morning’s gloom perfectly. I rambled along, changing my normal route as I went. My main goal was to try to avoid being splashed by the cars that were speeding by. I was drenched when I came home.   I left a very wet trail behind me as I weaved my way upstairs to warm up in the shower.

The rain was coming down so hard at times and bouncing along the pavement, that it’s what Mr. Michie would have called, “dancing rain” if he was walking with me. The weather definitely didn’t make it feel like we are celebrating the Summer Solstice today. The afternoon has brought with it the sunshine but dark clouds still threateningly linger.

My Mom told me that the full moon tonight is a Strawberry Moon. This, coinciding with the Solstice, won’t happen again for another 70 years! I hope the sky clears up enough tonight that I can see the moon in all her strawberry glory.

The Summer Solstice, always makes me think of my Swedish neighbour who lived next door to us when I was growing up. He would sit outside for hours in the summer watching the fire flies flicker on and off as the they gently floated around his yard. He liked to keep a portion of his garden wild, so it always looked like a wildflower sanctuary. He loved the light and relished in the long days that summer brought.

After spending a portion of winter in Denmark, I can fully comprehend the Scandinavian appreciation for light, as darkness seems to envelop you during the winter months (even though everything feels cozy by the glow of candlelight that seems to bathe the Danish world in a golden amber hue.)

I thought about him on my walk this morning as I rambled along. It’s funny what little triggers can make a memory flitter through your mind.

After the Rain

Jennifer Michie Woods 1

Jennifer Michie Woods 2

Jennifer Michie Woods 3

As the line goes from one of my favourite Bob Seger songs, “I awoke last night to the sound of thunder. How far off I sat and wondered?” We had one heck of a thunderstorm last night and on my walk this morning I had to navigate a minefield of puddles. They were more like mini lakes than puddles.

There was a mist trailing through the woods and wrapping around my feet as I walked. I didn’t pass anyone today. The woods belonged entirely to me. The air was cool and the world smelled of earth.


Jumping In

Today is the first day it has truly felt summery! Last week, we were so chilly that one day, it was actually colder than Christmas day! But today, we’ve hit a balmy 80°F, the sun is shining, there is an occasional breeze blowing by. It feels WONDERFUL! Now, I just want it to last!

I ate fresh strawberries and cantaloupe for lunch today. The strawberries were so deliciously sweet, their juice squelched in my mouth and they tasted of summer. Today felt like a beach day. I’m ready to put my toes in the sand, finish reading my book and just listen to the waves roll in!

Here’s to summer! Long may she last!

{Imaged found HERE // Pinned HERE}