Tag: school (page 2 of 15)


We’re on countdown in the Michie household for school to break up for Easter. One more day to go! So, we’re in the homestretch!

It has been raining here for what seems like forever and a day! The above photo is one I snapped earlier this week on my morning run. I was soaking by the end of it. I looked like I had gone swimming with my clothes on!

I was keeping my fingers crossed for a sunny Easter, but it looks like we’re gonna keep on having rain for days in our neck of the woods.

That’s okay, it will be sunny inside with candles lit, golden and creamy yellow coloured daffodils that have burst into bloom and twinkle lights glowing here and there. We’ll just make our own sunshine!

Sunday Morning

There is a different pace to Sunday mornings. We are usually up early and out the door, rain or shine. There is a different feel to Sundays. You know the weekend is wrapping up, there are things to prep for Monday, there are last minute chores to be done. It has a flow all its own.

This morning, we opted for a quiet Sunday morning. Mr. Michie made coffee; I made smashed avocado toast. We lit the candles, listened to music, worked on the crossword. The Sunday before going back to work after a school break, to me, is always filled with a tinge of sadness. For I am selfish with my time with him. I like moving to our own pace, I like not having rules to our days.

Tomorrow is back to work for him and a mini adventure for me. Here’s to Sunday, may we pack it full of life before the sun sets.

Coffee & Eggs

We are a house that rises early. I have always been and I think will continue to be, a night owl. But, I’ve come to love getting up in the early hours of the morning. I think I crave that quiet time, just as much as my 2am writing sessions.

So, in this house of early risers, we aim to have breakfast together before we head out the door to start our day. We normally make toast or have some yogurt with fresh fruit; we work on the crossword together, sometimes there is music, sometimes it is just quiet and there is always a candle lit.

I’ve come to cherish our morning routine. However, one thing I do love about school breaks is a mini break in the routine and a chance to do something on a weekday when everyone else is at work. We awoke early this morning but stayed bundled up in bed for a while longer before we braved going out. It was a balmy 24ºF when we headed out together. We went to the woods. The ponds were completely iced over, the birds were singing and flittering from one bough to another. There was ice on the ground and the bit of snow that had fallen late last night had hardened.

After a good run and a bit of a workout using the park benches, we headed to one of our favourite joints to grab breakfast. Outside of the weekend, we never get to go there. It was quiet, just one other table eating breakfast. We sat in the window so we could feel the sunshine on our faces.

We ordered coffee, worked on the crossword and decided to order some breakfast. I deviated from my normal choice of smashed avocado, feta and chilli on toast, to the rosemary roasted ham on toast, topped with fried eggs. It was bliss. It was a well deserved breakfast after such a cold run; it was luxuriously enjoyed as there were no time constraints and even better there were no dishes to do when we were done.

This was a perfect start to our week off.

P.S. We’re having a blast watching the Olympics. I read the lovely Tieghan’s blog of Half Baked Harvest and we were jumping up and down when her brother Red took the Gold in snowboarding! His first Olympics and he goes home with the Gold! Just INCREDIBLE! 


Back to School

The house got a quick “spit and a polish” yesterday. Things were put away and tidied up. Christmas is still up and will remain that way until the weekend. We always keep things up till after Epiphany. To be honest, I normally keep them up a bit longer. But not this year, I will have to be good and put everything away till next Christmas as we have some New Year’s work to be done in the cottage. That’s what happens when a pipe bursts! Luckily the damage appears minimal, but we’ll have to wait and see.

We didn’t sleep a wink last night with “Storm Eleanor”. We had wind gusts of over 70mph. We watched things fly by from our window. I saw a neighbours gutter get ripped off and fly down the street. Garbage cans were rolling down the road like they were in some kind of race and the wind was so hard, it sounded like someone was punching down the door. But our little cottage held her own.

Today was back to school day. I don’t think I was ready. I never am. So here’s to a short work week and here’s to the weekend, may it arrive quicker than I can blink!

{Image FOUND}

Happy St. Nicholas Day

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

I know I’ve written about it in this space before, but this was always one of my favourite days at school. We’d slip off one shoe and place it in the hallway and then scramble back to our desks. Our classroom door would close and try as hard as we might to concentrate, we were all straining our ears for the sound of jingle bells.

Eventually you could hear the far off tinkle, twinkle of them and they got closer and closer and closer and then silence. We could hear rustling and a jolly laugh and then the bells would start tinkling, twinkling again and the merry sound would slowly disappear.

Once we got the all clear, we jumped out from behind our desks and into the hallway where all our shoes were lined up. Tucked inside was a fat little orange, a piece of chocolate or a candy cane and a little domed plastic snow globe with either the nativity or a winter scene inside.

It was a day that held magic. I hope today holds magic for you!

{Image of a Ukrainian Christmas Stamp FOUND}


Whoopee! In what has felt like one of the longest and busiest weeks ever, we finally made it to Friday. We’re crawling to the finish line, but we’re gonna get there!

This weekend brings with it the beginning of our school fall break and we couldn’t be more excited than to have a bit of time to catch our breaths and move to our own pace. We’ve got a lot of things planned. So, here’s to adventures!

{Image: Philippe Halsman, Jump Series}

School’s Out for Summer

WOOOO-HOOOO! School’s out for summer!!! Here’s to early morning runs with the sunrise and staying up late till the stars come out, watching movies on the vintage projection screen. Here’s to eating pimento cheese sandwiches and potato chips for lunch and drinking sweet tea. Here’s to lazing about listening to music and reading books and playing board games. Here’s to hot summer days and cool summer evenings, to waffle cones stuffed with homemade ice-cream, to picnics and candlelight filled nights. To cooking new recipes and making old favourites. Here’s to just being, to catching our breaths, to make-out sessions on the couch. Here’s to summer sewing projects and art exhibitions and long strolls in the park and visiting the fair and eating our weight in funnel cakes. Here’s to adventure! Here’s to the summer, long may it last!

{Found HERE // Pinned HERE}

School’s Out for Summer!

Summer Fun

School’s out for summer! I can hear Alice Cooper singing those sweet lines in my head as I type. Here’s to road trips, long walks, sleeping in, staying up late. To new adventures. To having a movie fest, playing board games and cards. To eating delicious food prepared at a slow pace.

Here’s to living off PB&J and pimento cheese sandwiches, laying in the sun and eating potato chips. To spur of the moment picnics. To making out while listening to good tunes and to taking each day as it comes. Here’s to summer, long may she last!

{Image found // Pinned HERE}

An Evening Alone

The Norwalk High School Prom in 1968

We made it through the week! It’s always exciting to wake up on a Friday and go to work, the day always seems brighter, knowing it is the last of the working week. But this week, getting through was a particular feat, as there has been more downs than ups.

Mr. Michie is one of the chaperones at the prom tonight. I can’t wait to hear his stories when he gets home. It is being held in an old barn, which will just be beautiful. My high school always had our prom in the cafeteria. I never went to prom. My girlfriends and I would always have a big night out instead. I don’t regret not going. I’ve always marched to my own little beat anyway.

I don’t often have an evening to myself, so I plan on watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn and stretching out on the couch.

Hopefully the weekend brings a bit of much needed quiet and rest with it. Here’s to the weekend, long may it last!

{Image found: The Norwalk High School Prom in 1968 // Pinned HERE}

Rolling Along

Jennifer Michie Dinner Rolls

We had so much fun over the Easter weekend, I don’t know where the time went? I made a batch of The Pioneer Woman’s “Refrigerator Dinner Rolls” out of her Dinnertime cookbook to go along with our Easter meal. It’s a marvellous recipe. The dough can stay refrigerated for up to five days, so you can have freshly made rolls anytime you want. Let’s just say that a hot roll, oozing with French salted butter makes me very happy!

Easter Morning was also our first day of “Springing Forward”. We’re three days in and I’m still thrown off. Funny how jet lag doesn’t get me, but change the time by one little hour and I’m a walking zombie.

We’ve had peeks here and there of sunshine, but it keeps eluding us. It’s been very windy here of late and I keep checking on my pots outside to make sure they haven’t blown away. Mr. Michie helped me stabilise our little olive tree yesterday, as he kept taking a nose dive with the storm gales. I’m ready to replenish our pots and baskets with some colour here and there, but as the weather hasn’t been so nice, we are waiting to head out to the nursery to pick new flowers. Hopefully that’s a job we can accomplish this week.

I love the school breaks when we just get to march to our own beat. Well, for the most part anyway, as there is always school work to still be done either at home or at school itself. But, I’m always grateful for the time that we have together. Where we just roll along, going with the day where it takes us.