Tag: Paige Spearin (page 1 of 1)


Hello, May! We’re ready for the long weekend that you start us off with and we are very much looking forward to it and the adventures we have planned. We’re ready for more meandering strolls through the fields alongside the sheep and the baby lambs. Looking out for bunnies and foxes and the swans who like to nestle in the fields. 

We’re ready for our days to continue to lengthen and light to linger over the dinner table a little longer each night, one night slowly over taking the next in breadth. 

We’re ready for the anniversary you bring us at the end of this month and how we do not take it for granted that we are lucky enough to continue to grow together. We’re ready for clearer nights where we stargaze and listen to the waves roll in. 

We’re ready to watch the skies turn from midnight black to a deep purple velvet and slowly melt into a buttery pink as we drink our morning coffee with the rising of the sun. We’re ready for the bluebells to continue to bloom along hidden paths and we’re ready for the new season’s harvest that will slowly start arriving at the greengrocer’s. 

We’re ready for all that you hold for us and more. Welcome, May! 

{Bunnies at the Boat Pond, Paige Spearin | Pinned HERE}


Hello, July! We’re ready for all the fun you bring this month, starting with our “Fourth of July” celebrations and watching “JAWS” in the dark. We’re ready for our “Christmas in July” party to follow not long after the 4th, where Christmas gets a summer makeover. 

We’re ready for the school year to come to a close and with that, the chance to visit with family that we have not seen in many, many moons. We’re ready for those lazy hazy days of summer that you will bring. Eating cherries while reading books, dipping our toes in the cool ocean water and feasting on homemade ice cream for dinner on hot summer nights. 

We’re ready for pimento cheese sandwiches and salty potato chip dinners on the beach and marshmallows roasted to within an inch of their life before being smooshed between chocolate coated cookies for dessert. 

We’re ready to keep grooving to the 70’s and 80’s music that has so far been the soundtrack of our summer. We’re ready for the few adventures we have planned before you come to a close. Welcome, July! We’re ready for all that you bring.  

{4th of July Bar | Paige Spearin}


HELLO, June. We’re ready for our table to be heaped with heirloom tomatoes and fresh corn on the cob. We’re ready for evening to crawl in a little later, while we eat ice cream and watch the waves roll in from the shore. 

We’re ready for early morning beach strolls, hunting for shells amongst the rocks. We’re ready to stretch out on our bed, with the windows wide and read books with a bowl of popcorn between us. 

We’re ready to make fresh shortcakes, heaped high with strawberries that are nestled in pillows of whipped vanilla cream. We’re ready to listen to more Carolina beach music and dance in the kitchen while dinner is cooking. 

We’re ready for all that you bring this month as we move more fully into summer and the opportunities to drink it all in. 

{Oh, Shucks! by Paige Spearin | Pinned HERE}

HELLO, April

Hello, April. You’re picking up where March left off with a cool, blustery, rainy start. We’re ready for you to bring some sunshine our way, although I won’t complain about a snow day off from school, if you usher that in before you leave us. 

We’re ready to watch the bulbs continue to sprout from the earth and burst forth in a sea of pinks, blues, yellows and whites. We’re ready for the Easter Bunny to pay us a visit and hopefully leave a few surprises in our Easter basket. 

We’re ready for the Easter break from school and a chance to catch our breaths. We’re ready for the opportunity to breakfast on the beach and go for long strolls with no plan, just going with where our feet take us. We’re ready for our days to continue to lengthen as we move more fully into the season of spring. 

We shall continue to find space in the quiet moments, to dance, to enjoy each other’s company and to find joy in the little things.

Welcome, April! We’re ready for all that you bring this month. 

{Vespa Bunny, by Paige Spearin | Pinned HERE}