Hello, February. I don’t know how you got here so quickly?
January had moments that felt like a whirlwind, as storms battered our island home. Yet at the same time, there were moments of stillness, punctuated by the glow of beautiful crisp morning sunrises. And we’re going to continue to welcome the changing light while savouring evenings still-made cozy by candlelight and cups of tea with honey and lemon.
We’re ready for birthdays, the Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day and the extra day you will gift us with this month on the 29th. We’re ready for the confetti shower of red, white and pink that you will sprinkle over us in this season of L-O-V-E!
We’re ready to spend those cold sunny mornings sitting on the beach, drinking coffee and watching the waves roll in. We’re ready to don our walking boots over the winter school break and head out on our adventures.
We’re still holding out for the promise of snow and a day wrapped up under blankets, sipping hot chocolate while we watch the flakes gently fall. We’re still manifesting all the hygge. Candlelight, good music and french toast casserole drizzled with maple syrup for dinner are all still on the cards, even if spring is starting to knock on the door.
Welcome, February, we’re ready for you.
{Rhonda Fleming, US actress, wearing a red sleeveless top while looking into a red hand-held mirror as she applies make-up in a studio portrait, against a light blue background, circa 1955. A red heart-shaped mark on her chin. | Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images | Pinned HERE}