Hello, May. We’re ready for you to continue to lengthen our days and bring us more of a taste of the summer yet to come. We’re ready for more adventures with friends, with weekends spent exploring and laughing together till our sides hurt. 

We’re ready for opportunities to breakfast on the beach, hoping to spot a seal in between bites of breakfast sandwiches and crossword puzzling. 

We’re ready for the three luxuriously long weekends you bring this month and the chance to soak those days up in each other’s company. 

We’re ready for more fruits and vegetables to appear at our greengrocers as our table spreads to include more spring greens tossed in pasta, salads, risotto and everything in between. 

We’re ready for all that you hold as we continue to appreciate the little things in each day and making the most of the season of spring. 

{Audrey Hepburn in dress from Givenchy Boutique at her home ‘La Paisible’ in Switzerland, taken by Henry Clarke for Vogue, 1971 | Pinned HERE}