Tag: Earthsea Series (page 1 of 1)


We are definitely moving into sweater weather around these parts. The mornings and nights have been chilly. It rained a fair amount over the weekend, which was the perfect excuse to stay curled up, under a blanket, with a book.

I finished the fourth novel in the Earthsea series in two days. And now, I’ve moved on to a long awaited treat! This was a surprise from Mr. Michie, the fifth novel in The Seven Sisters series by Lucinda Riley. I’ve devoured the previous ones and The Moon Sister is no different. I’m completely transported to another world within those pages and I feel as if I know these women. It’s like visiting an old friend.

The gift of a good book is a true treasure. As the nights close in sooner and the candles are lit earlier, reading a book with a cup of tea by my side is one of my favourite past times.

{Image Tatsuro Kiuchi HERE // Pinned HERE}

The Written Word Endures #11

The Master Hand looked at the jewel that glittered on Ged’s palm, bright as the prize of a dragon’s hoard. The Old Master murmured one word, ‘Tolk,’ and there lay the pebble, no jewel but a rough grey bit of rock. The Master took it and held it out on his own hand. ‘This is a rock; tolkĀ in the True Speech,’ he said, looking mildly up at Ged now. ‘A bit of the stone of which Roke Isle is made, a little bit of the dry land on which men live. It is itself. It is part of the world. By the Illusion-Change you can make it look like a diamond – or a flower or a fly or an eye or a flame -‘ The rock flickered from shape to shape as he named them, and returned to rock. ‘But that is mere seeming. Illusion fools the beholder’s senses; it makes him see and hear and feel that the thing is changed. But it does not change the thing. To change this rock into a jewel, you must change its true name. And to do that, my son, even to so small a scrap of the world, is to change the world. It can be done. Indeed it can be done. It is the art of the Master Changer, and you will learn it, when you are ready to learn it. But you must not change one thing, one pebble, one grain of sand, until you know what good and evil will follow on the act. The world is in balance, in Equilibrium. A wizard’s power of Changing and Summoning can shake the balance of the world. It is dangerous, that power. It is most perilous. It must follow knowledge, and serve need. To light a candle is to cast a shadow…’

-Ursula K. Le Guin, Earthsea, The First Four Books, A Wizard of Earthsea