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Happy Fourth Of July!

🇺🇸🧨✨ Happy Fourth of July! ✨🧨🇺🇸

{Carolyn Jones, July 4, 1960 | Allstar Picture Library Limited | Alamy Stock Photo | Pinned HERE}


Well, HELLO, July! This month you bring with you the end of the school year and boy are we ready for that! We’re ready for our Fourth of July celebrations and watching JAWS in the dark after dinner. We’re ready for our Christmas in July party with a summer twist and watching old Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music and just generally feasting on Christmas happiness. 

We’re ready for the luxury of more warm days and chances to go swimming. We’re ready to eat our weight in all the gorgeous fruit that is in-season at the moment. We’re ready to make pies out of the fresh blueberries and cherries we’ve been greedily gobbling up, topped with a big scoop of homemade ice cream. 

We’re ready for lazy summer weekends in which we get to read on the beach and pack a picnic for lunch of ham sandwiches with heirloom tomatoes, salty potato chips and a thermos of iced tea. We’re ready for cheeseburgers and fresh corn on the cob from the greengrocers, smothered in butter and each bite has juices running down our chins. 

We’re ready to continue to dance to the 60’s and 70’s soundtrack of our summer that has us in quite the groove lately. We’re ready to watch evening fall as the breeze blows the curtains in the open window and we just get to sit and be. Welcome, July, we’re ready for all that you bring. 

{Image: “Maggie in snorkeling gear”, October 1958, Montego bay, Jamaica. From the third of three small “ektachrome transparencies” boxes, this set labeled “personal fair great / our wedding” by Nick DeWolf | Found via Messy Nessy | Pinned HERE}


Hello, June! We’re ready for more of the glorious sunshine that May has brought us and to feel that warmth upon our skin. 

We’re ready for bowls of fruit for dinner when it starts to get truly hot and fresh heirloom tomato sandwiches, still warm from the sun when they are picked. We’re ready for the curtains to billow in the breeze while we eat dinner with windows open and breath in the salty air. 

We’re ready for early morning beach walks and finding a good spot to stop, read and drink a cup of coffee. We’re ready for the days to continue to lengthen and grow. We’re ready for Friday night pizza parties and watching old movies in the dark. 

We’re ready for the last stretch of the school year to come to a close and the start of summer to truly begin. We’re ready to relish the little things, to live within the moment, to keep on dancing and to have the wisdom to drink it all in.  

{American actor Sandra Dee, dressed in a bathing suit, with her pet poodle. She is filming ‘Gidget’ on the Leo Carrillo State Beach in Malibu, California, USA. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images), 1959 | Pinned HERE}


Eighteen years ago today, you took my hand and placed it in yours and we’ve been holding hands ever since.

Here’s to the next chapter in our adventure.

{Publicity still of Myrna Loy and William Powell for “After the Thin Man”, 1936. Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Getty Images | Pinned HERE}


Hello, May! If you’re anything like your sister April, you will still usher forth chilly mornings that swiftly begin to warm up when the sun comes out. Offering us a minuscule taste of what summer shall bring, when the glow of the sun is on our backs. 

Today, you herald in May Day and the appearance of the Green Man who will parade through our village with his beribboned and festive court in attendance. We’re ready for the days to continue to gradually lengthen as we eat dinner with the windows open and a breeze blows in. We’re ready for the bounty that will begin to arrive in earnest at the green grocers and the taste of the first heirloom tomatoes and yellow squash of the season. 

We’re ready for longer beach walks and the hopes of catching a seal or two sunbathing. We’re ready for early mornings where we quietly read and sip coffee as the sky turns from purple velvet to a soft awakening pink. We’re ready to continue to appreciate the little things and we’re ready for the adventures that await us.

{An image from, Summer’s Coming In by Natalia Belting, illustrated by Adrienne Adams, 1970}

It’s almost time…

It’s almost time for the Easter Bunny! Our eggs are dyed and ready to be hidden. And our basket has been set out and laid with fresh paper grass awaiting the arrival Easter treats!

{Paas Easter Dye Kit Advertisement, April 1960, Found HERE | Pinned HERE}

HELLO, April

Hello, April! You greeted us with snow this morning and it was positively delightful! If only school had been cancelled too and we could have stayed home drinking hot chocolates and watching those big fat flakes gently float down like feathers from a pillow fight. Lady Winter is not quite done with us yet and she ever so gently deposited snowflakes into the creases of daffodils and filled the cups of crocuses and dusted the rocks along the shore. It was a magical start to the month.

We’re ready for more bulbs to spring forth around us, surrounding us in a sea of yellow daffodils and pink striped tulips. We’re ready for the Spring Break that you will bring and the opportunity to work to our own schedule. To take even longer morning walks with a beach picnic packed up and ready to be gobbled down when we find the right spot. We’re ready for more strolls at dusk as the days begin to lengthen and fresh clean air being blown through the house, making the curtains sway.

We’re ready for a visit from the Easter Bunny in hopes that our basket is filled with all sweet things and maybe a small surprise or two. Welcome, April, we’re ready for all that you bring.

{A model wearing a headdress of pink and mauve lilacs and a bow of pink satin ribbon, by Emme, photo by Horst P. Horst for Vogue Magazine, 1959 | Pinned HERE}

I Give My Little Stars to Children

Via This is Colossal : Maria Prymachenko (1908 – 1997) was a self-taught folk artist known for her renderings of life in the Ukrainian countryside. Her gouache and watercolor works are vibrant and imaginative, depicting symmetrical red poppies tucked in a small vase or fantastical bull-like animals sprouting two-headed snakes. Expressive and consistently advocating for peace, Prymachenko’s paintings are widely known throughout Ukraine and internationally: she received a gold medal at the Paris World Fair in 1937, when Pablo Picasso is said to have dubbed her “an artistic miracle.”

{I Give My Little Stars to Children | gouache and fluorescent paint on paper | 1983}