Hello, June. We’re ready for warmer days and sunny strolls through the park. We’re ready for the adventures we have planned this month and the chance to squeeze in a few more. 

We’re ready for our first BLT of the season as the heirloom tomatoes start to arrive at the greengrocers. Sandwiches piled high and a side of salty potato chips to go with it. We’re ready to blast Carly Simon while we work together in the kitchen with the windows open and the ocean breeze blowing in. 

We’re ready for late weekend nights watching old movies on our vintage projection screen. We’re ready for lazy weekends that involve long walks and milkshakes. We’re ready for slices of homemade poundcake piled high with fresh picked strawberries and scoop of vanilla ice cream. 

We’re ready for you to bring us into the final stretch of the school year. We’re ready for quiet nights with star filled skies, letting evening settle over the house and taking the time to drink everything in.

We’re ready for all that you bring us this month. Welcome, June! 

{1960s Summer Fashion | Pinned HERE}