Month: July 2020 (page 1 of 1)

Goodbye, July!

We were up before 5am this morning and slowly got ready. Mr. Michie made a pot of coffee and heated up two pain au chocolat to go, while I worked on packing our bag with towels. We were on the beach before 7am and found a quiet spot to make camp. We ate our breakfast and watched the waves roll in. We toasted the end of the month and the beginning of the weekend.

After breakfast we went for a swim. The water was delicious! It was a perfect morning.

Life is GOOD!

Last Day of School!

We’re celebrating the last day of school today with homemade pizza and chocolate cake with my Nana’s mocha frosting. It’s been a funny old school year, that’s for sure!

Here’s to Summer! And here’s to the weekend! Long may it last!

{Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward ride a bike HERE // Pinned HERE}

How Glad I Am

You don’t know how glad I am that today is Friday. This has been an up and down kind of week. But, we’ve made it to the end. There is bread rising on the counter, butter softening to make spritz cookies and tomorrow we’re having a “Christmas in July” party.

We’re getting the ball rolling tonight with a little bowl of Christmas fettuccine and watching “The Holiday”.

Here’s to the weekend!

{Image: Nancy Wilson, How Glad I Am, Album Cover, 1964}

HELLO, July!

Well, hello July! We’re ready for school to finish for the summer this month and to have a chance to catch our breath. We’re ready to keep our 70s music groove rolling as we dance in the kitchen with evening closing in. We’re ready for more sunny days and early morning walks when the rest of the world is still sleeping.

We’re ready for afternoons spent on the couch with the windows open wide, letting the ocean breeze drift in and a good book in hand. We’re ready for more dinners by candlelight, setting up the projector to watch old movies and have our annual Christmas in July party. We’re ready for chances to go hiking nearby and cooling off in the water on hot summer days.

We’re ready to feast on ham sandwiches with heirloom tomatoes on homemade bread for lunch time with glasses of sweet tea by our side. We’re ready for ice cream for dinner and the taste of salt air on our lips. We’re ready for summer and the freedom it promises to bring.

{Julie Blues Marvelous New Swim Cap, Janet Hill Studio // Pinned HERE}