Month: July 2013 (page 3 of 3)

No Lipsticks for Nuns

I have long been a Seinfeld fan. Jerry Seinfeld is a comedian who has always made me laugh.  I spent many of my formative years watching him on TV. I always got the humor even when my friends didn’t.

His new “show” features him picking up his comedian friends to go out for a cup of coffee and the hilarity that ensues is filmed. The hilarity that is simply life. It is matter-of-factly and most aptly named, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee”. Each episode features a different vintage car that Jerry has personally picked as a representation of his guest. I’ve yet to watch an episode that hasn’t had me laughing hysterically.

His latest episode features Gad Elmaleh and I watched it this morning over a cup of coffee and truly laughed! What better thing then to laugh with all you have got, first thing in the morning? What a way to start the day rolling.

I thought I would share this episode with you, it makes me want to go to Paris today and have a cup of coffee in one of my favorite cafes near Notre Dame, just watching life go by. Listening to the sounds of the boats going along the river, the opera singer who hides underneath the bridge so that their voice floats out as if through a microphone, the breeze making the leaves on the tree dapple the sunlight as it hits the table and the possibility that a cup of coffee turns into lunch and a lazy meander down a cobblestone street.

Screen shot 2013-07-02 at 19.05.52

{click on the image to go to the video}

So Long Google Reader

happy-retirement-google-readerGoogle Reader heads into retirement today, the first day of July. I am being truly nerdy and trying out two readers at the moment to see which I prefer: Feedly and Digg.

Anyone else trying something out there they are liking?

(cute image sent to me in a reminder e-mail from Feedly to move everything over to them)