Month: February 2013 (page 3 of 3)

Let’s Find Some Place

Oh, let’s find some place to get lost! I could get lost today. I knew yesterday was not my day when the toaster burnt my waffles, I spilled my drink all over the carpet, I was freezing cold like a popsicle all day and I was running a fever.

I am doing my best to fight off illness, but I am pooped! This morning was better in that my waffles weren’t burnt, but they were extra crunchy! I never eat waffles for breakfast, they are a rare treat, but I guess I am just not meant to have them this week, so back to my banana tomorrow.

I am counting the hours till I can curl back up in my bed again and just be cozy and warm, I still feel like a popsicle! So, today would be a good day to just get lost.

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A Sweet Weekend

We have been flying under the radar these past two days. We tore apart our bedroom this weekend and cleaned it from top to bottom. The major cleaning the kind that calls for you vacuuming under the bed. There weren’t dust bunnies underneath the bed, there were dust elephants.

We made a little mexican inspired dinner Saturday night with Mr. Michie’s famous guacamole and on Sunday we treated ourselves to some homemade chocolate milkshakes and Mr. Michie treated me to some raspberry jelly hearts. Delicious!


Groundhog Day

Well Phil did not see his shadow today, so we shall have an early Spring! I wouldn’t mind one more snow day off from school though!

Happy Groundhog Day!

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