8 Years Ago Today…

8 years ago today, I walked down the aisle of the same church that my parents and my grandparents before them were married in and I met Mr. Michie at the end of it.

I am still just as in love with him as the day I married him, even more so, if that is possible? We have had our ups and downs as all marriages have and like all things they are usually from outside issues, not ones that stem from us. But, we are on the roller coaster of life and that to me is much better than the merry-go-round.

Through all of our 8 years, we have stayed true to who we are, we have stuck together, through thick and thin. For, it is us against the world, and isn’t that how love should be? We have climbed a lot of mountains to be together and it was worth everyone.

Happy Anniversary, Mr. Michie, I love you!

(Image: Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward)