Tag: Playing House (page 1 of 1)

A Special Message

Well, I saw this and I just about peed my pants! It’s happening! YES, people it’s happening! Let’s all drive down Main Street singing Celebrate Me Home, shall we?

Woot! Wooooot!

{Previous Playing House post HERE}

Playing House

Playing House

I think we have another Bunheads situation on our hands here folks. Over the summer we watched Playing House and we tumbled down the rabbit hole and fell in love. Then we proceeded to tie our family down to chairs and made them watch it as well. They loved it too! We are still throwing lines out to each other. It is funny, charming, relatable, intelligent and it has heart. These women could be your friends. I want to go to lunch with them at Rosie’s and drive down main street singing to Kenny Loggins.

So why is it taking USA Network so long to make a decision to renew it or not?  The people are a collective chorus screaming out for more. With a host of new shows starting this season, this is a show that is worth keeping. It has a good foundation and space to grow. Just like Bunheads, a show where the critics, for once, were begging for its renewal, it looks like Playing House could also fall into the wasteland of TV shows that didn’t make it. I’ve read article after article with critics crying out for it’s return. Please renew this show, USA, I beg you on bended knee; I’ve not yet had my fill of spaghets!

{I previously wrote about Bunheads HERE and HERE}