Tag: mary engelbreit (page 2 of 2)

Just Another Manic it Tuesday

This was my calendar page today:

It made me smile! There is still snow on the ground and it is pretty nippy outside. Our cheeks were very rosy by the time we got on the bus this morning.

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and I have a couple things up my sleeve. Mr. Michie is cooking dinner for me and I am making dessert for him. I have no idea what he is making, it is a surprise, so I am going to stick within the realms of something chocolate-y, because you just can’t go wrong with chocolate!

We ran errands on Saturday and then
went to see Wreck It Ralph. It was tremendously cute! The “Sugar Rush” game that he ended up in, was like a car racing version of  “Candy Land”, I loved that game and played it endlessly as a kid.

Being two people who grew up with the novelty of arcade games we found this movie highly entertaining. Mr. Michie knew most of the characters. He played “Street Fighter” a lot when he was little, I was more of a “Mrs. Pac-Man” kind of gal.

Before the movie started we were treated to a Disney short. It was the perfect short for Valentine’s Day and I thought I would share it with you here:
Hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday.


Back to school today, we can’t be too greedy with snow days I suppose, I shall count my lucky stars that we were given at least one.

There is a heavy fog outside and the snow is still blanketing everything. Where it has melted on the streets that has all turned to ice. It is freezing outside and our ears were getting redder and redder as we waited for the bus. It looked like a winter wonderland as we drove to school.

This was my calendar picture this morning and I thought it was rather appropriate:

Have a great day wherever you may be today!

Kindness Is Like Snow

I got a sweet miniature Mary Engelbreit desktop calendar from my Mom this Christmas. I wait with anticipation in the morning to see what the next cheery little page will be.

This was my page yesterday. It was beautiful. It looks like snow is coming our way next week. Fingers crossed for at least one snow day. A day to just stay inside and be cozy.

Here’s to the weekend, long may it last!

The Sweet Things

To some she was only a Pioneer girl, to others she was simply a TV character, but for many she was a writer who held in her books the secrets of their own heart’s desires; to run barefoot in a field with sun-kissed cheeks, as bonnets, hung from their necks, bounced along their backs, as they made their way home to Ma & Pa.

This quote by Laura Ingalls Wilder, to me, says all I need to know about her. She was a woman who realized the secret of life: that it is important to draw pleasure from the simple things, the little things, the everyday blessings, that we just might be too busy to stop and see and we miss out.

(Image by Mary Engelbreit)

Playing in the Garden

Yesterday was breezy and sunny and the perfect day for me to change out some of the flowers in my garden. Our “yard” is only a small space in front of the cottage, so I do all my gardening in pots. I like to experiment a lot and mix things together, everything is very higgledy-piggledy. I buy what I like and plant it, that simple.

Because my ivy has taken over in some of my pots my solution was to plant the plastic containers that flowers come in, into my flower pots. Thus, making switching over plants easier and providing me with a little more insulation than normal. Last year I had a geranium that lived through the winter in my garden and I am convinced it was because of his cozy double insulation. It was an idea that came to me while visiting Versailles a few years ago at Christmas. In Marie Antoinette’s garden they had planted clay pots into the soil, leaving the rim just visible and had a mixture of primroses and ivy and other plants blooming away in the freezing weather.

To my delight I discovered the first olive on our potted tree. We have had him for 3 years now and every year we hope… but in planting pansies yesterday I peered through the branches and saw a little green olive no bigger than a pea beginning to form. Happiness.

The little grocery store in town always has a sweet collection of flowers in the store and yesterday I stocked up on pansies and miniature capsicum ( a fancy way for saying peppers) plants. The purple against the red looks very rich. They are the perfect plants and colors to move us from Fall into Winter. I find gardening therapeutic, making everything pretty, cleaning up the old to freshen up with the new. Gandhi said, “To forget how to dig in the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.”

Little, as it may be, I gain so much from my “garden”, I would dearly miss not being able to play in the dirt on Saturday mornings and the smile that coming home brings to my face when I see such cheery colors canvased against our cottage.

(Image above by Mary Engelbreit)

Did You Hear the Good News?

Have you heard? Mary Engelbreit has started her Blog. She promised us to stay tuned in 2009 since the cancellation of her magazine that she would still stay in touch with her readers and she has!

I find this so exciting as I have really missed pouring over the pages of her Home Companion magazine. There was nothing better than making a cup of tea, lighting a candle, curling up under a quilt and flipping through the pages. I would go to it again and again, always seeing something new! I hope that one day she will be able to put it to publication again.

In the meantime however, she is sharing this wonderful Blog with us, filled with projects and hints and tips. I can’t wait to try my hand at the “Cozy Night-Light” project, you could do one for each holiday, so you always had something new. I love that idea, as we decorate for every holiday in this house!

This will definitely be a Blog I will more than enjoy reading and seeing develop!

Click on the Night-Light to go to this cute project.

(Both images used were taken from the Mary Engelbreit site)