It’s trying so hard to snow today. You can feel it. That particular dampness that snow brings to the air and the way the world smells. I saw a few flakes tumble down around me on my run this morning. It makes me so happy! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for at least a good dusting. I want the world to look like a Christmas cake powdered in icing sugar, with no nook or cranny left un-sprinkled by white. Snow today seems fitting as tonight we usher in the Full Snow Moon.

I’m curled up this afternoon, the candles are lit. I’ve feasted on toasted challah bread, smothered in butter and strawberry jam. A hot cup of tea is by my side, sending steamy little tendrils into the air.

It feels like an Anne Shirley kind of day. So, I’m listening to the soundtrack while I work. Happiness is…