Month: November 2013 (page 2 of 3)

Always Alright

We first saw/heard the Alabama Shakes on Jools Holland’s Hootenanny! A New Year’s tradition in our house, if we are at home, we watch it. I liked them. We watched The Silver Linings Playbook this weekend and they are featured on the soundtrack. Now, I can’t get the song out of my head. This is riding in your car with the windows rolled down kinda music, drinking a cold beer at a party kinda music, hanging out on your couch kinda music. It’s just good!

Happy Tuesday!

Jennifer Juniper

I think this might be my theme song and I didn’t know it. I had a colleague at my previous school who would sing this to me as she walked down the hall, past my room and onto hers and I have a colleague at my new school who serenades me with it as well.

I got serenaded this morning as I headed indoors and out of the cold. It just makes me smile.

Happy Monday!

Gingerbread Latte

Jennifer Michie Gingerbread Latte

Christmas has come to the coffee shops and after a quick grocery store run this morning, Mr. Michie got me a gingerbread latte at Costa. It even came with a little gingerbread man cookie and was just delicious!

The Disappearance of Individuality

I read an article this morning written by the ever humorous, Josh Gad. In it he discusses taking his daughter trick-or-treating and the lack of originality in the costumes of today. Now, I am sure that this does not apply to everyone out there, there are plenty of us still left with imaginations!

However, I understood everything he was saying. We are living in a superficial world, filled with hipsters and people who have become famous for simply being on a reality TV show. Mostly they have become famous for acting like complete asses, yet the majority of the population wants to emulate their behaviour.

It truly annoys me when there is something I have been doing for a good majority of my life and it suddenly becomes the “in vogue” thing to do. Or, people who are regurgitating craft projects out of 1970’s issues of Women’s Day and the rest of the blogging/magazine/book world is eating it up, like these people are so creative and originative!

I was raised in an innovative household and our costumes were always unique. Now, I’m not saying that there wasn’t the occasional witches hat bought, but my mom made the majority of our costumes. There are some costumes that stand out more than others, like the year I decided to be St. Lucia, just like Kirsten Larson, my American Girl Doll.

Kirsten American Girl Doll

My sister and I were both altar servers at the church and so I borrowed a white altar server robe for Halloween. My mom tied a big red satin ribbon around my waist, braided my hair in two long strips and pinned them up in loops with more red satin ribbon and she stuck our advent wreath with battery operated candles on top of my head. My neighbour who was Swedish, loved this costume, I will never forget seeing his face when we came to the door, he was truly tickled. If we dreamt it, my parents would help us make it.

I’m not saying that all store bought costumes are evil. Maybe you just have to be Spiderman, or life wouldn’t be worth living if you couldn’t where your Supergirl cape and red boots and thats okay. But, we should be striving to raise individuals instead of children who follow the masses. We should be striving to raise children who know who they are.

Josh’s article taken from USA Today, is below:

Josh Gad vs. Captain America: One parent’s horror

Josh Gad Column PhotoI took my daughter trick-or-treating on Halloween, or “All Hallow’s Eve,” or “an introduction to diabetes.” I dressed her up as Doc Brown fromBack to the Future and accompanied her as Marty McFly in head-to-toe denim paired with the mandatory orange puffy vest, which surprisingly is readily available at every major retailer. I also taught her a Pavlovian response for when residents opened their doors: “Great Scott!”

Feeling enormous pride in my 2-year-old’s bold costume choice, we ventured out into the Los Angeles fog and rang the first doorbell. A young woman and her two little boys wearing matching Captain America outfits looked at my daughter in confusion. “I don’t get it,” one Captain said to the other. “She’s Bruce Banner,” the other said. Patting the children on the head, the mom said, “She’s a doctor, like Dr. Izzy. That’s our pediatrician.” I wanted to grab the mother by her Prada leg warmers and say: “My daughter is not dressed as your darned pediatrician. She’s Doc Brown. The same Doctor Emmett Brown who sent McFly back to 1955 on Oct. 26th, 1985.”

But before I could get the words out, 10 kids dressed up as Marvel characters (two Thors, three Iron Mans, four Hulks, and one Samuel L. Jackson’s eye-patch character) all showed up to much fanfare. As I left the McMansion, I looked around and found myself in Biff Tannen’s alternate 1985. In this bizarro world of Halloween, everyone was either a Disney princess, a Marvel superhero or one of the homicidal children from The Hunger Games. I couldn’t believe it. What happened to originality?

When I was a child, my mother dressed me as King David from the Old Testament. I literally had a 2,000-year head start on any other kid in the neighborhood. My brothers dressed as Ferris Bueller and Ronald Reagan. Granted, that was the ’80s, a simpler time. But by 6 years old, if I had seen someone else wearing the same costume, I would have had a conniption and demanded to go home and start from scratch. Now, we have two boys in the same house both dressed as Captain America? At least make one of the boys the Winter Soldier! Let them fight it out on the doorstep, and whoever wins gets the large Reese’s double-chocolate-cream-filled, Katniss Everdeen-shaped candy bar.

But upon further reflection, as two people passed by my denim-on-denim outfit and said, “Oh, he’s dressed up as a dad having a midlife crisis,” it occurred to me. It’s not just our costume choices. It’s the way we live our lives. Uniformity has become the cool thing. We all have the same phones. We all dress the same way. We all made cronuts a thing even though we knew we were engineering something God never intended.

It has become unpopular not to agree or do that which is popular. Perhaps it is the advent of social media, which allows everyone to weigh in on a subject in 2.5 seconds. Or perhaps we have reached a tipping point where our relationship with the media has defined our culture because of its overwhelming presence in our lives. IfThe Karate Kid’s Ralph Macchio went to a Halloween party today, would he be too weary to do something as drastic as dress up as a shower curtain? For that matter, would the Cobra Kai do something as uncool as dress up as skeletons? Probably not. Ralph would be dressed up as Taylor Lautner in Twilight, and he’d have his butt kicked by a group of guys all dressed up as Robert Pattinson.

I think the path is clear. In order to reclaim our uniqueness, we must first reclaim Halloween, that night when we all illustrate how original we can be. So next year, when you’re looking at that princess outfit for your daughter, push it off to the side, pull out some old rags, a waistcoat and some trousers, and dress her up as Susan B. Anthony. She’ll hate you for the foreseeable future, but one day she’ll look back and say, “Now that was a cool costume.” After all, everyone knows Susan B. Anthony could kick Iron Man’s butt.

One of Those Days

It was one of those days today. I didn’t feel so great last night because my sinuses have been bothering me and ended up getting sick. Mr. Michie made me a cup of tea and we just sat on the couch in silence, like zombies after our long day, holding hands and listening to music. We finally went to bed not long before midnight, but I got woken up at 3:21am to be exact by a huge downpour that didn’t let up for quite awhile. I didn’t mind, it was nice to just listen to the rain and Mr. Michie breath and watch the patterns that were reflected onto the ceiling.

This morning, I got up even earlier than normal and rushed to get ready so I could get a broccoli and cheese soup started in our crockpot, Mr. Michie helped me with measuring out the ingredients and I left with high hopes. I even ran to the grocery store on my lunch break to get some nice crusty bread to go with dinner. It was a recipe I had found online and it had gotten really rave reviews, well, I wish I could tell that lady where she could stick her crockpot because that soup was nowhere near the picture.

Yes, yes, I know I was deceived by a picture, what a fool. I think she opened up a can of cream of broccoli soup and took a picture of that, because there was nothing creamy about this soup! I was at work late and had to fight with people to get on the tube and the train, something I despise doing, but I had a loaf of crusty bread and I was going home to finish off the soup before Mr. Michie got in and light our candles and turn on some music, so he had a nice atmosphere to come home too.

Well, I opened the door and our house smelled like a boy’s locker room, with really really stinky socks. That soup was so watery, it wouldn’t have even been served to Oliver Twist. I hate days like this, days where you were planning on something and then it just didn’t work out like you had expected. I know that is life, but after a very, very long day I just wanted coming home to be simple. Oh, well! That is one crockpot meal I won’t make again. Our first bad one! So, we ordered Chinese food. C’est la vie!

Here’s to tomorrow, for it is Wednesday and we are almost at the weekend!

Back to School

Vintage Peter Pan Peanut Butter Ad

It was an early rise this morning as we head off to school for our first day after Fall Break. Mr. Michie made a pot of coffee, I worked on some breakfast (peanut butter toast) and we had a few minutes just to us this morning. The first day back is always a long one. So, here’s to a good day that flies by, so I can come home and snuggle with Mr. Michie.

Apple Butter

Last weekend we went to the market and came home with bags of apples. I peeled, watching the skin tendril down from the delicate pinky white flesh of the apples, while Mr. Michie sliced them up.

Together we made our first batch of apple butter of the season and it is delicious! The house smelled of Christmas. A sweet tangy cinnamon scent filled the air, while it slowly simmered down. We have spent this past week, gobbling up our first jar. We have had it smeared over toast, biscuits, sandwiches and last night I had some mashed into a baked sweet potato! MMM!

So, our first batch is ready and jarred up for us to feast on and to give as Christmas presents.

Jennifer Michie Apple Butter 1 Jennifer Michie Apple Butter 2 Jennifer Michie Apple Butter 3 Jennifer Michie Apple Butter 4